Information is the Raw Material of a New Architecture (2010)

article⁄Information is the Raw Material of a New Architecture (2010)
abstract⁄The brief of this 2010 Acadia conference is Life in Formation On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture, and it will discuss ‘on the influence of computing and its impact on the changing nature of information.’ But at this point an interesting question should be answered. What is information What is its specific significance in the area of information technology How could information be considered the ‘raw material’ in the most advanced architectural experimentation over the past few years This essay wants to demonstrate the effectiveness of the affirmation Information is the Raw material of a New architecture. To further expand the thesis and to access bibliography and notes, see the many books of the ‘IT revolution in Architecture Book Series’ Birkhauser Basel, Boston and EdilStampa Rome and the last book of the author ‘The IT Revolution In Architecture, Thoughts on a Paradigm Shift’ Carocci,Rome 2007 translated in English in ITool and distributed by Lulu.com.
Year 2010
Authors Saggio, Antonino.
Issue ACADIA 10: LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture
Pages 45-48
Library link N/A
Entry filename information-is-raw-material-new-architecture