Incorporating Form Diversity into Architectural Design Optimization (2017)

article⁄Incorporating Form Diversity into Architectural Design Optimization (2017)
abstract⁄In this study, we introduce a new approach that incorporates form diversity into architectural design optimization, which will potentially accommodate designers’ aesthetic judgment into the whole building optimization process. Form diversity is defined here as the level of difference in building geometric forms. We developed a form comparison algorithm to lead to a reasonable number of optimal design solutions of highly diverse forms. This allows for a postoptimization articulation of preferred solutions, and helps satisfy the aesthetic criterion in parallel to the measurable objectives.The methodology involves experimenting and prototyping. Experiments were done at different progress levels of the optimization tasks to test the feasibility of the system’s framework. A prototype framework was developed using parametric modeling, energy simulation, daylight simulation, Pareto optimization, and MultiObjective Genetic Algorithms. The initial results demonstrate that the system has the capability to successfully work as desired with possible improvements. Comparison of results before and after shape comparison is discussed.
keywords⁄design methodsinformation processingsimulationoptimizationform findinggenerative system2017
Year 2017
Authors Yousif, Shermeen; Yan, Wei; Culp, Dr. Charles.
Pages 640-649
Library link N/A
Entry filename incorporating-form-diversity-into-architectural-design