Implementation of Cellular Automata for Dynamic Shading of Building Facade (2008)

article⁄Implementation of Cellular Automata for Dynamic Shading of Building Facade (2008)
abstract⁄Paper presents creative use of cellular automata CA in architecture, namely for dynamic shading of building facade. The abbreviation ‘CA’ refers both to singular form ‘cellular automaton’ and plural ‘automata’. One of the most interesting ‘visual’ quality of CA is abilty to create organic patterns which sometimes are very pleasing to human eye. These patterns seem to ’live their own life’ and ’taming’ them to perform purposeful actions is quiet challenging due to their computational irreducibility as shown in an example of possible practical application, but as a result, provides visual effects of unmatched intriguing complexity hard to achieve by means of artistic will, whim or chance. Although amazing qualities of CA astonish for many years, their practical physical applications are still very sparse if existing at all, besides ‘pretty pictures’. Four classes of CA ‘behavior’ with conjunction to the problem of ‘pattern average grayness’ was presented. Two classes of CA were analyzed 2 color, 1 dimension, range 1 2C1DR1 and 2color, 1 dimension, range 2 2C1DR2 for potential practical use. Problem of monotonic gradual change of average grayness as a function of sequence of initial conditions was discussed. Scheme of mechanical system realizing the idea of shading controlled by CA was proposed.
keywords⁄cellular automatalightingpatternroboticsskin2008
Year 2008
Authors Zawidzki, Machi.
Issue Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation,
Pages 246-255
Library link N/A
Entry filename implementation-cellular-automata-dynamic-shading-building