The Impact of Information Technology in Design and Construction: The Owner's Perspective (1997)

article⁄The Impact of Information Technology in Design and Construction: The Owner's Perspective (1997)
abstract⁄This paper reports on findings of a November 1996 exploratory survey of architectureengineering clientsFortune 500 corporate facility managers. This research investigated how the practices of corporate facilitymanagers are being influenced by rapid changes in information technology. The conceptual model thatserved as a guide for this research hypothesized that information technology acts as both an enabler that is,information technology provides an effective mechanism for managers to implement desired changes aswell as a source of innovation that is, new information technology innovations create new facilitymanagement opportunities. The underlying assumption of this research is that information technology isevolving from a tool that incrementally improves ‘backoffice’ productivity to an essential component ofstrategic positioning that may alter the basic economics, organizational structure and operational practicesof facility management organizations and their interactions with service providers architects, engineers andconstructors. The paper concludes with a discussion of researchable issues.
Year 1997
Authors Johnson, Robert; Clayton, Mark.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 229-241
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename impact-information-technology-design-construction