Hybrid modeling revaluing manual action for 3D modeling (2006)

article⁄Hybrid modeling revaluing manual action for 3D modeling (2006)
abstract⁄3D modeling software uses conventional interface devices like mouse, keyboard and display allowing the designer to model 3D shapes. Due to the complexity of 3D shape data structures, these programs work through a geometrical system and a graphical user interface to input and output data. However, these elements interfere with the conceptual stage of the design process because the software is always asking to be fed with accurate geometriessomething hard to do at the beginning of the process. Furthermore, the interface does not recognize all the advantages and skills of the designer’s bare hands as a powerful modeling tool.This paper presents the evaluation of a hybrid modeling technique for conceptual design. The hybrid modeling approach proposes to use both computer and manual tools for 3D modeling at the beginning of the design process. Using 3D scanning and rapid prototyping techniques, the designer is able to go back and forth between digital and manual mode, thus taking advantage of each one. Starting from physical models, the design is then digitalized in order to be treated with special modeling software. Then, the rapid prototyping physical model becomes a matrix or physical 3D template used to explore design intentions with the hands, allowing the proposal of complex shapes, which is difficult to achieve by 3D modeling software alone.
Year 2006
Authors Dorta, Tomas; Perez, E.
Issue Synthetic Landscapes
Pages 392-402
Library link Gregory A. Luhan, Phillip Anzalone, Mark Cabrinha & Cory Clarke, 2006. bib⁄Synthetic Landscapes. ACADIA.
Entry filename hybrid-modeling-revaluing-manual-action-3d