High Rise Morphologies: Architectural Form Finding in a Performative Design Search Space of Dense Urban Contexts (2015)

article⁄High Rise Morphologies: Architectural Form Finding in a Performative Design Search Space of Dense Urban Contexts (2015)
abstract⁄A routine is a fixed program, a sequence of actions regularly followed. And the concept can be adapted at different levels in the understanding of the dynamics of cities. Today’s built environments are in fact increasingly characterized by series of iterations daily performed by infrastructures, networks, buildings, and people as part of a wellstructured pattern of components. In this sense, the city becomes a system that not only creates routine, but also pushes its urban mechanisms, its architectural spaces, and its human interactions towards performance, efficiency and the ‘standard.’ Apriori and topdown implementations of new technologies emphasize routinebased built environments, leaving almost no room for the extraordinary. But how can the spaces, infrastructures, and places that define the social experience of tangible environments not incorporate elements of inherent spontaneity, informality, and even error that let us break routine patterns
keywords⁄architectural form findingoptimisationperformative designenvironmenturban daylightsolar irradiationdirect sunlightpoint cloudvoxelised colonies2015
Year 2015
Authors Jyoti, Aurgho.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 451-467
Library link N/A
Entry filename high-rise-morphologies