The Graphics Application Paradigm: A Framework for User Understanding of CG/CAD Applications (1993)

article⁄The Graphics Application Paradigm: A Framework for User Understanding of CG/CAD Applications (1993)
abstract⁄What do young architects need to know about computer graphics What ‘immutable and eternal’ models will allow them to perform their best as professional architects At one time all computer users were computer programmers and the answer was thus rooted in programming expertise, but the era of personally developed software is largely past. An alternative more vocational approach would stress courses in the use of specific programs, but it is hard to imagine a more mutable ‘object of knowledge’ than the practical details of computing in the late twentieth century. In fact, our students are deluged with information commands, vocabulary, options, sales hyperbole, and ‘do this, it works’ cookbooks. As educators, we face the challenge of identifying that which is ‘immutable and eternal’, and presenting it to our students and trying to focus their attention on it.
Year 1993
Authors Johnson, Brian.
Issue Education and Practice: The Critical Interface
Pages 11-20
Library link ACADIA, 1993. bib⁄Education and Practice: The Critical Interface. ACADIA.
Entry filename graphics-application-paradigm