Graded Territories: Towards the Design, Specification and Simulation of Materially Graded Bending Active Structures' (2012)

article⁄Graded Territories: Towards the Design, Specification and Simulation of Materially Graded Bending Active Structures' (2012)
abstract⁄The ability to make materials with bespoke behavior affords new perspectives on incorporating material properties within the design process not available through natural materials. This paper reports the design and assembly of two bendingactive, fibrereinforced composite structures. Within these structures, the property of bending is activated and varied through bespoke material means so as to match a desired form. Within the architectural design process, formal control depends upon design approaches for material specification and simulation that consider behavior at the level of the material element as well as the structure. We describe an evolving approach to material specification and simulation, and highlight the digital and material considerations that frame the process.
keywords⁄graded materialscomposite materialsbending-active structuresmaterial propertiesmaterial behavioursimulationmaterial specificationperformance-based design2012
Year 2012
Authors Nicholas, Paul; Tamke, Martin; Thomsen, Mette Ramsgaard; Jungjohann, Hauke; Markov, Ivan.
Issue ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies
Pages 79-86
Library link N/A
Entry filename graded-territories