Generating and Optimizing a Funicular Arch Floor Structure (2020)

article⁄Generating and Optimizing a Funicular Arch Floor Structure (2020)
abstract⁄In this paper, we propose a geometrybased generative design method to generate and optimize a floor structure with funicular building members. This method challenges the antiquated column system, which has been used for more than a century. By inputting the floor plan with the positions of columns, designers can generate a variety of funicular supporting structures, expanding the choice of floor structure designs beyond simply columns and beams and encouraging the creation of architectural spaces with more diverse design elements. We further apply machine learning techniques artificial neural networks to evaluate and optimize the structural performance and constructability of the funicular structure, thus finding the optimal solutions within the almost infinite solution space. To achieve this, a machine learning model is trained and used as a fast evaluator to help the evolutionary algorithm find the optimal designs. This interdisciplinary method combines computer science and structural design, providing flexible design choices for generating floor structures.
Year 2020
Authors Zheng, Hao; Wang, Xinyu; Qi, Zehua; Sun, Shixuan; Akbarzadeh, Masoud.
Issue ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume I: Technical Papers
Pages 208-217.
Library link N/A
Entry filename generating-optimizing-funicular-arch-floor-structure