Generated Lamella (2010)

article⁄Generated Lamella (2010)
abstract⁄The hierarchical organization of information is dominant in the setup of tectonic structures. In order to overcome the inherent limitations of these systems, selforganization is proposed as a means for future design. The paper exemplifies this within the research project ‘Lamel la Flock’. The research takes its point of departure in the structural abilities of the wooden Zollinger system a traditional structural lamella system distributed as a woven pattern of interconnected beams. Where the original system has a very limited set of achievable geometries our research introduces an understanding of beam elements as autonomous entities with sensorymotor behaviour. By this means freeform structures can be achieved Through computation and methods of selforganization, the project investigates how to design and build with a system based on multiple and circular dependencies. Hereby the agent system negotiates between design intent, tectonic needs, and production. The project demonstrates how realtime interactive modeling can be hybridized with agentbased design strategies and how this environment can be linked to physical production. The use of knowledge embedded into the system as well as the flow of information between dynamic processes, Finite Element Calculation and machinery was key for linking the speculative with the physical.
keywords⁄agent based systemsdigital fabricationaware modelswooden structuresindustrial collaboration1:1 demonstrator2010
Year 2010
Authors Tamke, Martin; Riiber, Jacob; Jungjohann, Hauke.
Issue ACADIA 10: LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture
Pages 340-347
Library link N/A
Entry filename generated-lamella