Function Follows Form: 10 Sticks (and a Bench) (2003)

article⁄Function Follows Form: 10 Sticks (and a Bench) (2003)
abstract⁄While the introduction of digital media in the design studio often emphasizes virtual realms, the effect of new fabrication technology on the architect brings the architect back to the realm of masterbuilder rather than distancing the architect from reality. While purely digital projects have pushed the development of form, they have also placed an emphasis on form over material. However, with the intention to physically build a project, the connections between process, form, and material become intertwined. The inception of this project also served as a clear reminder that the tools we use affect the way we think. This project began as a simple idea how a column becomes animated to form an arch over time. The digitization of this idea took literally minutes in Maya. It was exported and further modeled in AutoCAD, and then rendered and reanimated in 3D StudioViz. This was a very brief, twoweek introductory project, in a class on drafting and wood lightframe construction. It served to make a greater connection between digital media, the design process, analog drawing, and the role of craft and material.
Year 2003
Authors Cabrinha, Mark.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 57-65
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename function-follows-form