From Post- to Plus-Digital (2011)

article⁄From Post- to Plus-Digital (2011)
abstract⁄The 2011 ACADIA Conference theme positions architecture’s present condition as ‘postdigital.’ This term calls to question the relevance of an organization like ACADIA, whose focus is precisely on the digital in architecture. Paradoxically, it is the work of ACADIA and digitallyoriented designers that has facilitated the gradual dissolution of the digital. In reality, we of course know that the computer has never been more present and relevant to architecture than it is today. The barriers to entry are lower than they’ve ever been. Digital technology is more pervasive and flexible. But, its ubiquitous integration has rendered the computer itself, with its legacy of opaque user interfaces and inaccessible language, ostensibly transparent. Through this transparency, an array of designers and collaborators previously relegated to the sidelines of computation discourse are now active participants in it. The papers in this session point to five ways in which the boundaries between the digital and nondigital, between architecture and nonarchitecture, are quickly eroding, and thereby allowing each to influence the other in profound and surprising ways.
Year 2011
Authors Swackhamer, Marc.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 270-271
Library link N/A
Entry filename from-post-to-plus-digital