From Paris Texas to the Road Warrior: Computer Aided Landscapes and the Road Movie, AKA, Content, Form, and Film Media within Architectural Education (1999)

article⁄From Paris Texas to the Road Warrior: Computer Aided Landscapes and the Road Movie, AKA, Content, Form, and Film Media within Architectural Education (1999)
abstract⁄In recent years the development of computer aided design technologies has offered designers greater opportunity for the thorough investigation of space. While a level of competence has been demonstrated by the architectural profession in the creation of static perspective presentations, a lack of knowledge has led to moving image presentations being treated in a relatively unsophisticated manner. To confront this problem there may be a pedagogical justification for the introduction of film studies and computer aided design as a hybrid design course. In the computer aided design of landscape, the critique of film media may be considered useful both in terms of the form and in terms of the content that it offers the student designer.
Year 1999
Authors Diprose, Peter R.; Hotten, Robert D.
Issue Media and Design Process
Pages 290-300
Library link N/A
Entry filename from-paris-texas-to-road-warrior