From Emergence of Form to the Forming of Logic (2003)

article⁄From Emergence of Form to the Forming of Logic (2003)
abstract⁄Driven by digital design tools and production methods, the interplay of theory and practice in architecture is converging on the notion of process. Process definition and process tools are now an essential part of design, design development, fabrication and construction. The word process itself can be interpreted in different ways, as being deterministic or nondeterministic. Computer programming can be understood as a design process and a structuring mechanism. Rather than making finite designs products, architects are beginning to understand their roles as toolmakers, developing algorithmic processes that incorporate constraints and intents into software procedures programming. New methodologies such as parametricassociative design hierarchies are a clear example of semantic design structuring a form of grammatical ordering the creation of hierarchical parametric models can be understood as a form of visual programming. In a deterministic sense, it can be argued that if a process is correct and critical, then by definition so will be the product.
Year 2003
Authors Ceccato, Cristiano.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 254-255
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename from-emergence-form-to-forming-logic