From CAD to iAD: A survey of Internet application in the AEC industry (2001)

article⁄From CAD to iAD: A survey of Internet application in the AEC industry (2001)
abstract⁄The internet is becoming increasingly more valuable in the field of architectural design that what we conventionally called CAD might soon be changed to iAD internet Aided Design Zhou and Krawczyk 2000. In order to have a clear vision of what iAD will be or could be, we should first examine what is currently available. This research focuses on an investigation of selected web vendors, which are typical and most influential in providing internet related services for the AEC industry. Our purpose for doing this survey is to understand the progress and development of internet application in the AEC industry, identify the technology used in this area, determine the advantages and deficiencies of current practice and develop a base for future research in proposing a evolutionary model of internet Aided Design for architecture.
keywords⁄internet aided designweb-based applicationon-line collaboration2001
Year 2001
Authors Zhou, Qi; Krawczyk, Robert.
Issue Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture
Pages 392-397
Library link Wassim Jabi, 2001. bib⁄Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture. ACADIA.
Entry filename from-cad-to-iad