Four-D Architectural Exploration Through CAD: Applications of the Computer to Architectural History (1987)

article⁄Four-D Architectural Exploration Through CAD: Applications of the Computer to Architectural History (1987)
abstract⁄This paper, which is based on ongoing research, demonstrates methods of utilizing ComputerAided Design CAD to explore objects of architectural significance in relation to time and space. The paper shows how the use of animated walkthrough allows these objects to be experienced with the realism of built form which no other means of recording can achieve.The paper argues that, through the use of the computer, the whole nature of Architectural History, as it is currently taught in schools of architecture, will need to be changed and that a more pragmatic, hands on approach to the subject will have to be adopted. Thus we advocate that the computer, the tool of today and the future, will allow students to experience architecture in the way they did in the past, from the Grand Tour to the architectural apprenticeship, aU before the introduction of architectural academies.
Year 1987
Authors Herman, M.; Jackson, N.; Pomerenke, S.
Issue Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum
Pages 55-64
Library link Barbara-Jo Novitski, 1987. bib⁄Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum. ACADIA.
Entry filename four-d-architectural-exploration-through-cad