Form Force Matter: Investigating form-active systems through analog machines and physics-based simulation (2011)

article⁄Form Force Matter: Investigating form-active systems through analog machines and physics-based simulation (2011)
abstract⁄Formactive Systems offer an intuitive means of gaining direct and tangible knowledge for addressing architectural design problems with degrees of complexity typically beyond our capacity or desire to engage as designers. With these systems as a mechanism for research, we may establish a rich territory in which form, force, and matter are inherently imbricated in their conceptual domain. Furthermore, if we approach this conceptual terrain with an understanding that the elements of these systems exist along a continuum between the real and the virtual, we may incorporate methods and techniques in the form of analog machines and physicsbased simulation from architecture’s peripheral fields of structural engineering, physics, and computation. This paper presents an applied research framework undertaken in a continued sequence of seminars whereby Formactive Systems are analyzed for their performative characteristics, synthesized for operative design strategies, iteratively prototyped across scales, and redeployed within the context of a multistory installation.
Year 2011
Authors Parsons, Ronnie; Akos, Gil.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 106-109
Library link N/A
Entry filename form-force-matter