Five Excursions (2007)

article⁄Five Excursions (2007)
abstract⁄In the history of mechanical contrivances, it is difficult to know how many of the automata of antiquity were constructed only in legend or by actual scientific artifice. Icarus’s wings melt in the light of historical inquiry, as they were reputed to do in the myth but was the flying automaton, attributed to a Chinese scientist of c. 380 BC actually in the air for three days, as related The same story is told of Archytas of Tarentum. The mix of fact and fiction is a subject of critical importance for the history of science and technology for our purposes, the aspirations of semimythical inventors can be as revealing as their actual embodiment.
Year 2007
Authors Druckrey, Tim.
Issue Expanding Bodies: Art Cities Environment
Pages 16-24
Library link Brian Lilley & Philip Beesley, 2007. bib⁄Expanding Bodies: Art - Cities - Environment. Riverside Architectural Press and Tuns Press.
Entry filename five-excursions