Evolving Cooperative Behaviour in a Reflexive Membrane (2007)

article⁄Evolving Cooperative Behaviour in a Reflexive Membrane (2007)
abstract⁄This paper describes the integration of machine intelligence into an immersive architectural sculpture that interacts dynamically with users and the environment. The system is conceived to function as an architectural envelope that might transfer air using a distributed array of components. The sculpture includes a large array of interconnected miniature structural and kinetic elements, each with local sensing, actuation, and machine intelligence. We demonstrate a model in which these autonomous, interconnected agents develop cooperative behaviour to maximize airflow. Agents have access to sensory data about their local environment and ’learn’ to move air through the working of a genetic algorithm. Introducing distributed and responsive machine intelligence builds on work done on evolving embodied intelligence Floreano et al. 2004 and architectural ‘geotextile’ sculptures by Philip Beesley and collaborators Beesley et al. 19962006. The paper contributes to the general field of interactive art by demonstrating an application of machine intelligence as a design method. The objective is the development of coherent distributed kinetic building envelopes with environmental control functions. A cultural context is included, discussing dynamic paradigms in responsive architecture.
Year 2007
Authors Robinson, Kirsten; Gorbet, Robert; Beesley, Philip.
Issue Expanding Bodies: Art Cities Environment
Pages 284-293
Library link Brian Lilley & Philip Beesley, 2007. bib⁄Expanding Bodies: Art - Cities - Environment. Riverside Architectural Press and Tuns Press.
Entry filename evolving-cooperative-behaviour-reflexive-membrane