An Epistemological and Systems Approach to Digital Technology Integration in Architectural Curriculum (1999)

article⁄An Epistemological and Systems Approach to Digital Technology Integration in Architectural Curriculum (1999)
abstract⁄Architectural institutions around the world have been faced with the question of digital technology integration for the last one decade. Numerous attempts have been made by those institutions to utilize and harness the new technology by trial and error methods. Although much has been said and done about the computer as a tool and a medium, there is a great paucity of wellconsidered and holistic theoretical frameworks that have been successfully applied in architectural curricula. The emergence of digital technology as an environment and as an overarching system has NOT been a much understood or acknowledged fact. This lack of systemic wisdom, in the digital technology integration process, is always punished by the system. In this paper, I intend to 1. Outline the epistemological, philosophical, pedagogical and operational issues of digital technology integration efforts undertaken at Kansas State University. 2. Meditate a systemic and holistic framework of principles, paradigms, proposals and strategies from a systems point of view that could be applied at other educational institutions.In contradistinction to the analytical, hierarchical and prosthetic approaches frequently adapted by the architectural institutions, I propose a systems approach and an ecological paradigm to understand and comprehensively integrate digital technology with architectural curricula. While many of the ideas brought under the framework may not be new, the framework itself is a new proposition. The framework draws heavily from JeanFrancois Lyotard’s postmodern pedagogical work, Deleuze and Guattari’s poststructural notions of ‘rhizome’, and Gregory Bateson’s expositions of ecological and systems approach.
Year 1999
Authors Senagala, Mahesh.
Issue Media and Design Process
Pages 16-26
Library link N/A
Entry filename epistemological-systems-approach-to-digital-technology