Environment-Behavior Simulation: From CAD to BIM and Beyond (2008)

article⁄Environment-Behavior Simulation: From CAD to BIM and Beyond (2008)
abstract⁄This paper describes our research on environmentbehavior simulation and focuses on the modeling of built environments using ComputerAided Design CAD and Building Information Modeling BIM. Our environmentbehavior simulation addresses the problem of predicting and evaluating the impacts of built environments on their human inhabitants. We present simulation systems comprising an agentbased virtual user model and building models created with CAD and BIM tools. We compare the use of CAD vs. BIM with two case studies for environmentbehavior simulation, and describe the essential parts of modeling buildings for the simulation, including geometry modelinghow the building components are shaped, semantic modelingwhat the building components are, and pattern modelinghow the building components are used by users. We conclude that a new extensible and patternembedded BIM system will be necessary to facilitate environmentbehavior simulation.
Year 2008
Authors Yan, Wie.
Issue Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation,
Pages 478-485
Library link N/A
Entry filename environment-behavior-simulation