Enhancing Architectural Communication with Gaming Engines (2003)

article⁄Enhancing Architectural Communication with Gaming Engines (2003)
abstract⁄This paper makes a case for exploring the feasibility of utilizing the advanced graphics and sound systems of contemporary gaming engines to promote architecturally relevant work. Gaming engines, while developed largely for the PC entertainment industry, have vast potential for application in architecture. This paper will explore the depth of this potential and will outline work demonstrating the advantages and the limitations of this technology. The supporting research and observations examine the technology and reveal its potential usefulness as an instructional or depictive authoring tool. Game engines were selected that had appropriate graphical prowess, but were customizable as to allow the removal of gamespecific features to create a ‘professional’ user interface. Projects were authored that expressed complex building details using the engine for visual depiction. The details, which included constructional components, structural assemblies, or simple design nuances, were modeled with 3D geometry and realistically textured and lighted. The game engine allowed one user or many remote simultaneous users in the virtual environment to interactively explore the presentation in real time. Scripts were developed to encourage endusers to interactively disassemble or reassemble building components as desired. Audile andor textbased information regarding the assembly sequence were provided by exploiting the game interface features. Furthermore, interactive object scaling was provided to facilitate analysis of component relationships.
Year 2003
Authors Hoon, Michael; Kehoe, Michael.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 349-355
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename enhancing-architectural-communication-with-gaming-engines