Engineering Design Tropisms. Utilization of a bamboo-resin joint for voxelized network geometries (2018)

article⁄Engineering Design Tropisms. Utilization of a bamboo-resin joint for voxelized network geometries (2018)
abstract⁄We propose the combination of the traditional construction material bamboo with a novel epoxyresin joint. The joint forms a bendingresisting connection that eliminates the need for diagonal members. This allows its utilization along rectangular grids as was tested with the design of a prototype structure that occupies a voxelized space. The design process used an agentbased simulation to mediate between design intent, site and structural considerations. The prototype was constructed with a robotic milling of the components and forms a successful application of the joints and design methodology.
keywords⁄work in progressdigital fabricationdigital materialsrobotic productionfabrication-robotics2018
Year 2018
Authors Klemmt, Christoph; Gheorghe, Andrei; Pantic, Igor; Hornung, Philipp; Sodhi, Rajat.
Issue ACADIA 2018: Recalibration. On imprecisionand infidelity.
Pages 322-327
Library link N/A
Entry filename engineering-design-tropisms-utilization-bamboo-resin