Embracing the Urban Glitch in Search of the (Extra)Ordinary: A New Paradigm for Smart Cities (2015)

article⁄Embracing the Urban Glitch in Search of the (Extra)Ordinary: A New Paradigm for Smart Cities (2015)
abstract⁄This paper introduces the notion of ‘glitches’ as a trigger for creativity and more specifically glitches in the city caused in particular by humannonhuman interactions within the built environment and argues that these are important elements for creating alternative conditions to break routine and to enable responsive experiences through the mindful use of technology.
keywords⁄responsive environmentsglitchsmart cityurban systems2015
Year 2015
Authors Sayegh, Allen; Andreani, Stefano.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 443-450
Library link N/A
Entry filename embracing-urban-glitch-search-extra-ordinary