Embodied Computation - An Actuated Active Bending Tower: Using Simulation-Model-Free Sensor Guided Search To Reach Posture Goals (2017)

article⁄Embodied Computation - An Actuated Active Bending Tower: Using Simulation-Model-Free Sensor Guided Search To Reach Posture Goals (2017)
abstract⁄The concept of Embodied Computation is to leverage the combination of abstract computational and material artifact as a method for exploration in the design process. A common approach for the integration of the two realms is to use computational simulation based on the geometric form of the artifact for the prediction of material behavior. This leads to the integration of a geometric model abstraction of the physical artifact into the control software of the actuated device and can produce deviations between the state of the physical construct and the computational state. Here an alternative approach of a soft, actuated, active bending structure is explored. Six fluidic actuators are combined with a six degree of freedom DOF sensor for posture feedback. Instead of relying on simulated kinematics to reach a particular posture, the sensorenabled posture feedback guides a simplex search algorithm to find combinations of pressures in the six actuators that minimize the combined tilting angles for the goal of a level tower top. Rather than simulating the structure computationally, the model is shifted to one of feedback and control, and the structure operates as a physical equation solver returning an xyz tilting angle for every set of actuation pressures. Therefore the computational model of the search process is independent of the physical configuration of the structure itself and robust to changes in the environment or the structure itself. This has the future potential for more robust control of nondetermined structures and constructs with heterogeneous DOF common in architecture where modeling behavior is difficult.
keywords⁄material and constructionsmart buildings2017
Year 2017
Authors Kilian, Axel; Sabourin, Francois.
Pages 324-329
Library link N/A
Entry filename embodied-computation-actuated-active-bending-tower