Electronic Extension: Some implications of cyberspace for the practice of architecture (1999)

article⁄Electronic Extension: Some implications of cyberspace for the practice of architecture (1999)
abstract⁄This whitepaper builds upon previous research to present hybrids of electronic and physical spaces as extensions of current design practice. It poses an hypothetical project a hybrid of physical and cyberspaces to be developed through an extrapolation of current architectural practice by fully exploiting new information technologies. The hybrid’s attributes not only affect the scope of development but the very activities of the design team and client during and after deployment. The entire life cycle of the project is affected by its dual material and media presence. The paper concludes by discussing the effect the hybrid here called a ‘cybrid’ on the occupant, and its local and global communities. It reviews the economics, administration, marketing, operation, flexibility, and extension of the project to assess its effects on these scales. The conclusions are provisional owing to the youth of the technologies. However, in laying out these issues, the author hopes to begin a discussion on effects computation will have on our built environment.
Year 1999
Authors Anders, Peter.
Issue Media and Design Process
Pages 276-289
Library link N/A
Entry filename electronic-extension