An Electronic Design Assistance Tool for Case Based Representation of Designs (1996)

article⁄An Electronic Design Assistance Tool for Case Based Representation of Designs (1996)
abstract⁄In precedent based design, solutions to problems are developed by drawing from an understanding of landmark designs. Many of the key design operations in this mode are similar to the functionalities present in case based reasoning systems case matching, case adapting, and case representation. It is clear that a rich case base, encoding all major product types in a design domain would be the centerpiece of such an approach. EDAT Electronic Design Assistance Tool is intended to assist in precedent based design in the studio with the potential of expansion into the office setting. EDAT has been designed using object oriented system development methods. EDAT was used in a design studio at Carnegie Mellon University, during Spring 1996, and will be used in future studios, as well.
Year 1996
Authors Akin, O.; Cumming, M.; Shealey, M.; Tuncer, B.
Issue Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy
Pages 123-132
Library link Patricia McIntosh & Filiz Ozel, 1996. bib⁄Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy. ACADIA.
Entry filename electronic-design-assistance-tool-case-based