Electronic Color in the Architectural Studio - An Alternative Strategy for Introducing the Computer as a Creative Tool in the Studio Environment (1985)

article⁄Electronic Color in the Architectural Studio - An Alternative Strategy for Introducing the Computer as a Creative Tool in the Studio Environment (1985)
abstract⁄An alternative strategy is proposed for introducing the computer as a creative tool in the studio environment. It is suggested that computer graphic capabilities, focusing on color as an element of design, be incorporated into basic design studios. Techniques of color drawing on the computer are discussed, and computer modeling of color systems is recommended as a vehicle through which to introduce color theory. The effect of color on the perception of buildings is explored, illustrating how color selection can affect a building’s line, form and spatial quality. These techniques enable students to develop an appreciation of the use of color in buildings, reinforcing their knowledge of basic design, and introducing them to graphic computing in a visually provocative manner. The proposal recognizes the importance of both color theory and graphic computers to an evolving architectural curriculum.
Year 1985
Authors Norman, Richard B.
Issue ACADIA Workshop ‘85
Pages 35-42
Library link Patricia G. Macintosh, 1985. bib⁄ACADIA Workshop '85. ACADIA.
Entry filename electronic-color-architectural-studio-alternative-strategy