Edge of Chaos. Towards intelligent architecture through distributed control systems based on Cellular Automata (2018)

article⁄Edge of Chaos. Towards intelligent architecture through distributed control systems based on Cellular Automata (2018)
abstract⁄From the ‘Edge of Chaos’, a mathematical space discovered by computer scientist Christopher Langton 1997, compelling behaviors originate that exhibit both degrees of organization and instability creating a continuous dance between order and chaos. This paper presents a project intended to make this complex theory tangible through an interactive installation based on metamaterial research which demonstrates emergent behavior using Cellular Automata CA techniques, illustrated through sound, light and motion. We present a multisensory narrative approach that encourages playful exploration and contemplation on perhaps the biggest questions of how life could emerge from the disorder of the universe.We argue a way of creating intelligent architecture, not through classical Artificial Intelligence AI, but rather through Artificial Life ALife, embracing the aesthetic emergent possibilities that can spontaneously arise from this approach. In order to make these ideas of emergent life more tangible we present this paper in four integrated parts, namely narrative, material, hardware and computation. The Edge of Chaos installation is an explicit realization of creating emergent systems and translating them into an architectural design. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of a custom CA for maximizing aesthetic impact while minimizing the live time of architectural kinetic elements.
keywords⁄work in progresscomplexityresponsive architecturedistributed computingemergenceinstallationinteractive architecturecellular automata2018
Year 2018
Authors Glynn, Ruairi; Abramovic, Vasilija; Overvelde, Johannes T. B.
Issue ACADIA 2018: Recalibration. On imprecisionand infidelity.
Pages 226-231
Library link N/A
Entry filename edge-chaos-towards-intelligent-architecture-through