Drawing Lessons from Word Processing (1988)

article⁄Drawing Lessons from Word Processing (1988)
abstract⁄Word processing is universally successful as a computer application whereas computeraided design is not. What can we learn from word processing It tells us that, to be successful, an entrylevel CAD system should be basic and focus mainly on drawing and manipulation of drawings rather than on sophisticated operations and automation, it should be simple, easy to use and moderate in cost. In architectural education, it should be used in the early stages of design to enhance design quality and design learning. To do this, we need to understand the characteristics of this new drawing and design medium. Software needs to be thoroughly learned in advance of studio use, and computerbased studio projects should take a computational view of design to enhance the effective use of computers in learning to design.
Year 1988
Authors Rubinger, Morton.
Issue Computing in Design Education
Pages 235-245
Library link Pamela J. Bancroft, 1988. bib⁄Computing In Design Education. ACADIA.
Entry filename drawing-lessons-from-word-processing