Digital Exploration of Unbuilt Architecture: A Non-Photorealistic Approach (2003)

article⁄Digital Exploration of Unbuilt Architecture: A Non-Photorealistic Approach (2003)
abstract⁄This paper presents a new approach to the digital investigation of unbuilt architecture. A navigable world, emulating the architect’s graphic style, is built as a 3D nonphotorealistic reconstruction of the unbuilt project. A cinematic journey through this world intermediates the exploration of the architect’s possible mental visualizations during the creative stages. The goals of the proposed approach are to open new avenues for investigating the conception of architecture, to help architectural students visualize and experience important unbuilt projects that have shaped the practice of architecture, and to popularize lesserknown architects to the general public. The approach stems from the idea that architectural drawings are the artifacts reflecting most accurately the architect’s creative and thinking processes. Anchored in the concept of multidimensional space developed by the author, the proposed method uses the original drawing of the artist as the main artifact on which the reconstruction process is based. The present paper concentrates on those aspects related to extracting information from the architect’s drawing and embedding historic knowledge in the 3D reconstruction of the unbuilt project. It calls to attention the idea that technological progress creates tools that the Architect uses to operate with the fundamental concepts of place, space, and time.
Year 2003
Authors Sirbu, Daniela.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 235-245
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename digital-exploration-unbuilt-architecture