Digital Environments for Learning and Collaboration Architecture, Communication, Creativity, Media and Design Process (1999)

article⁄Digital Environments for Learning and Collaboration Architecture, Communication, Creativity, Media and Design Process (1999)
abstract⁄Digital networks are gaining importance as environments for learning and creative collaboration. Technical achievements, software enhancements, and a growing number of applicable principles make it possible to compile complex environments that satisfy many aspects necessary for creative collaboration.This paper focuses on three issues the architecture of collaborative environments, communication in these environments and the processes inherent to creative collaboration. The information architecture of digital environments looks different from physical architecture, mainly because the material that it is made out of is information and not stone, wood or metal and the goal is to provide appropriate paths and views to information. Nonetheless, many analogies can be drawn between information architecture and physical architecture, including the need for useability, aesthetics, and consistency. To communicate is important for creative collaboration. Digital networks request and enable new strategies for communicating. Regarding the collaborative creative process we have been able to detect principles and features that enhance this process, but there are still many unanswered questions. For example, the environment can enable and improve the frequency of surprise and coincidence, two factors that often play decisive roles in the creative processes but cannot be planned for in advance. Freedom and transparency within the environment are other important factors that foster creative collaboration.The following findings are based on numerous courses, which we have taught using networked environments and some associated, research projects that helped to verify their applicability for architectural practice.
Year 1999
Authors Engeli, Maia; Andre, Mueller.
Issue Media and Design Process
Pages 40-52
Library link N/A
Entry filename digital-environments-learning-collaboration-architecture-communication