Digital Design In Architecture: First Light, Then Motion, and Now Sound (1994)

article⁄Digital Design In Architecture: First Light, Then Motion, and Now Sound (1994)
in issues⁄
abstract⁄If we restricted our idea of architecture to only the traditional and static description of visual space and form, we might not be considering significant characteristics of the places we are designing. If, however, we accepted even a limited definition, as stated by Le Corbusier, that ‘architecture is the masterly, correct, and magnificent play of masses brought together in light’, we would at least be forced to consider the dimension of time as the everchanging daylight modifies the way our creations are perceived. However, neither the built nor the natural environments are silent. Sound affects the way we feel about certain events and places, and in turn, places we create can modify or influence the way we hear sounds. As computers become more audio capable, we can expect changes in the ways that architects plan, design, and present their projects. Issues of both objective and nonobjective sound can become significant factors throughout the building delivery process. As the visual sophistication and acoustic expectations of society rise because of the ubiquitous power of electronic multimedia as well as ‘crossmedia’ applications film, video, television, and scientific visualization it is inevitable that the architectural design and presentation processes reflect these changes.
Year 1994
Authors Goldman, Glenn; Hoon, Michael.
Issue Reconnecting
Pages 27-38
Library link Anton Harfmann & Mike Fraser, 1994. bib⁄Reconnecting. ACADIA.
Entry filename digital-design-architecture