Developments in 3D Scanning and Digitizing: New Strategies for an Evolving Design Process (1998)

article⁄Developments in 3D Scanning and Digitizing: New Strategies for an Evolving Design Process (1998)
abstract⁄The computer is now a widely accepted tool in architectureas a production and business tool. Acceptance of digital technology as a design aid has been much slower, but continuing developments in ease of use, capabilities, and lower costs are encouraging the use of threedimensional design modeling. As the demand for 3D design computing grows, peripheral digital technologies are also developing and being integrated.This paper describes ongoing research into how currentand nearfuture developments in threedimensional scanning anddigitizing technology that have the potential to substantially changeprocesses of architectural design. Scanners, or digitizers, assist intransforming physical objects and models into digital representations. The capabilities of 3D scanners in architectural design haveonly begun to be explored. Existing and emerging 3D scanningtechnologies are briefly described followed by a discussion ofsample existing, new, and potential uses of these capabilities asa design tool. An experiment is conducted to contrast the differences between stylusbased and laserbased digitizers in an architectural design environment.
Year 1998
Authors Entous, Marc.
Issue Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference?
Pages 212-220
Library link N/A
Entry filename developments-3d-scanning-digitizing