Destination: Practice - Towards a maintenance contract for the architect's degree (2001)

article⁄Destination: Practice - Towards a maintenance contract for the architect's degree (2001)
abstract⁄Addressing the subject of CaseBased Reasoning CBR in architectural design, we present a Webbased design assistant for student and professional architects called DYNAMO. Its main objective is to initiate and nurture the lifelong process of learning from design experience as suggested by CBR’s cognitive model. Rather than adopting this model as such, DYNAMO extrapolates it beyond the individual by stimulating and intensifying several modes of interaction. One mode the focus of this paper concerns the interaction between the realm of design education and the world of practice. DYNAMO offers a platform for exchanging design efforts and insights, in the form of cases, between both parties, which perfectly chimes with the current tendency towards lifelong learning and continuing education. Just like our university advises graduates to ‘Take a maintenance contract with your degree’, architecture schools may encourage recently qualified architects to subscribe to DYNAMO. To what extent the tool can fulfill this role of maintenance contract is discussed at the end of the paper, which reports on how DYNAMO was used and appreciated by professional architects at different levels of expertise.
keywords⁄case-based reasoningweb-based learningdigital repositories2001
Year 2001
Authors Heylighen, Ann; Neuckermans, Herman.
Issue Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture
Pages 090-099
Library link Wassim Jabi, 2001. bib⁄Reinventing the Discourse - How Digital Tools Help Bridge and Transform Research, Education and Practice in Architecture. ACADIA.
Entry filename destination-practice-towards-maintenance-contract-architect