Designing [with] Machines (2020)

article⁄Designing [with] Machines (2020)
abstract⁄The aim of this research is to investigate the potential of a design and fabrication workflow that is centered around the development of task and sitespecific robotic systems for insitu architectural making Designing with Machines DwM. The project proposes an alternative strategy to the established logic of design for production, in which design decisions are a function of affordances and limitations of available fabrication equipment. DwM engages the designer to define their own parameter ranges for the fabrication process through simultaneous development of fabrication machines and complimentary material, and architectural systems. In addition to affording more flexibility, DwM offers an opportunity to develop robotic fabrication systems uniquely tailored for deployment on sites that are not suited for conventional robotic equipment. In this paper, DwM workflow is outlined in the description of a task and sitespecific robotic system for additive fabrication of a tensile filamentwound object in an insitu environment. Specifically, the presented project investigates design opportunities afforded by cooperative operation of multiple mobile singleaxis robots deployed along linear structural elements of the given site. In utilizing column and beam elements as machine locomotion substrates, the system contributes them to the robotic assembly as parts of the insitu digital fabrication machine.
Year 2020
Authors Yablonina, Maria; Kubail Kalousdian, Nicolas; Menges, Achim.
Issue ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume I: Technical Papers
Pages 330-339.
Library link N/A
Entry filename designing-with-machines