Design-to-Manufacture Workflows of Sound-Scattering Acoustic Brick Walls (2020)

article⁄Design-to-Manufacture Workflows of Sound-Scattering Acoustic Brick Walls (2020)
abstract⁄Improving speech intelligibility in classrooms enhances information dissemination, institutional knowledge capture, and quality of learning experience. While offtheshelf solutions are available for acoustically retrofitting existing learning spaces, they do not allow for a finetuned contextspecific intervention. However, this possibility is enabled through bespoke digital manufacturing informed by advanced digital simulations. In this research we explore and synchronize architecture, acoustics, computation, and fabrication for the making of better sound environments. We present performancedriven designtomanufacture DTM workflows for soundscattering brick elements. We reimagine the brick as an acoustically active geometry capable of modulating the sound experience in a university classroom by improving speech intelligibility. We contextualize our research within existing methods of digital performancebased design and robotic fabrication processes, namely wire cutting and pickandplace applications. We then detail digital methods that combine heuristics and acoustic simulation to design the bricks within the 3D modeling environment, as well as describe the processes of robotic oscillating wire cutting and adaptive pickandplace developed for the execution of the fullscale demonstrator. Finally, we report on the results of the acoustic analysis performed on the fullscale demonstrator in situ and laboratory measurements of a representative demonstrator which validates our design hypothesis.
Year 2020
Authors Rossi, Gabriella; Walker, James; Sondergaard, Asbjorn; Foged, Isak Worre; Pasold, Anke; Hilmer, Jakob.
Issue ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume I: Technical Papers
Pages 474-483.
Library link N/A
Entry filename design-to-manufacture-workflows-sound-scattering