Design of Robotically Fabricated Timber Frame Structures (2018)

article⁄Design of Robotically Fabricated Timber Frame Structures (2018)
abstract⁄This paper presents methods for designing nonstandard timber frame structures, which are enabled by cooperative multirobotic fabrication at buildingscale. In comparison to the current use of automated systems in the timber industry for the fabrication of platelike timber frame components, this research relies on the ability of robotic arms to spatially assemble timber beams into bespoke timber frame modules. This paper investigates the following topics 1 A suitable constructive system facilitating a justintime robotic fabrication process. 2 A set of assembly techniques enabling cooperative multirobotic spatial assembly of bespoke timber frame modules, which rely on a manmachine collaborative scenario. 3 A computational design process, which integrates architectural requirements, fabrication constraints, and assembly logic. 4 Implementation of the research in the design and construction of a multistory building, which validates the developed methods and highlights the architectural implications of this approach.
keywords⁄full paperfabrication-roboticsgenerative designcomputationtimber architecture2018
Year 2018
Authors Adel, Arash; Thoma, Andreas; Helmreich, Matthias; Gramazio, Fabio; Kohler, Matthias.
Issue ACADIA 2018: Recalibration. On imprecisionand infidelity.
Pages 394-403
Library link N/A
Entry filename design-robotically-fabricated-timber-frame-structures