Design, Heuristics and Digital Media. An Experimental Pedagogic Approach to the Cultural Integration of Media (1999)

article⁄Design, Heuristics and Digital Media. An Experimental Pedagogic Approach to the Cultural Integration of Media (1999)
abstract⁄Globalization is a multidimensional process which impregnates all the facts and events of our present culture and, as a byproduct of this situation, there is a set of complex relationships where ‘intuitive behavior plus knowledge and information technology’ are central issues of the new pedagogic procedures of our times.In this paper we assume by ‘knowledge’ the data obtained from a set of relationships oriented towards the ‘heuristic approach’ from the point of view of ‘qualitative analysis’ concepts Muhr 91. Our main ‘provisional hypothesis’ is to use this methodology to control the analysissynthesis process as a continuous procedure during the design stages . One particular aspect of this view is going through the ‘informatic culture phenomena’ which is the base of the present ’turning point’ of design procedures in most architectural and design schools around the world.This paper discusses how ‘media’ is affecting the ‘design process’ regarding three aspects the conceptual, the instrumental and the representational one.These aspects are also affecting the cultural models and creating new paradigms in the way new design methodologies combine ‘heuristics procedures’ with the growing set of computer graphics parameters.
Year 1999
Authors Montagu, A.; Rodriguez Barros, D.; Chernobilsky, L.B.
Issue Media and Design Process
Pages 178-191
Library link N/A
Entry filename design-heuristics-digital-media-experimental-pedagogic