Demonstration of an Open Platform for Tangible and Social Interactions with Responsive Models (2010)

article⁄Demonstration of an Open Platform for Tangible and Social Interactions with Responsive Models (2010)
abstract⁄Information is ubiquitous due to the digitization of our world. There is an unprecedented volume of information in our physical and socially networked world that can be used to inform our design problems and the way we design. To date, designers of parametric models have been using design precedents, archived data, and simulated datasets to inform their modeling process, but live information sources from the environment are rarely considered as direct input to models. The paper discusses novel experiments in which digital parametric design models are extended with live input and parameters from physical environments and online social networks. The paper also presents UbiMash, an open source software platform that was introduced and refined during the dev elopment of these experiments.
keywords⁄parametric designresponsive architectureopen sourcedesign collaboration2010
Year 2010
Authors Salim, Flora; Mulder, Hugo; Jaworski, Przemyslaw.
Issue ACADIA 10: LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture
Pages 227-233
Library link N/A
Entry filename demonstration-open-platform-tangible-social-interactions