Data Modeling Issues in Simulating the Dynamic Processes in Life Cycle Analysis of Buildings (2002)

article⁄Data Modeling Issues in Simulating the Dynamic Processes in Life Cycle Analysis of Buildings (2002)
abstract⁄Typically, in simulating the dynamic processes in buildings, data modeling efforts require the modelingof the building geometry, its components and the relationship between these components, as well asthe modeling of the process that is under study. For example, in simulating the life cycle of a building,one must simulate the flow of materials as well as the flow of information as part of the processmodeling, while a component model is needed to represent the building as an artifact. A third aspect ofthis modeling effort constitutes the simulation of human intervention, i.e. the decision process that mightaffect the nature of the building itself as well as the process that acts upon it. For example, the decisionto remodel a certain component clearly affects both the component itself as well as the process ofaging, when life cycle of buildings is simulated. This paper looks at the data modeling requirements ofthe simulation of building life cycle within the context of the three parameters mentioned above datamodel for buildings process models and decision models. Temporal issues in data modeling, such asversioning for components, keeping track of data that are related to change and remodeling, andbuildings as temporalspatial entities for life cycle analysis purposes are also addressed.
Year 2002
Authors Ozel, Filiz; Kohler, Niklaus.
Issue Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual
Pages 187-195
Library link George Proctor, 2002. bib⁄Thresholds - Design, Research, Education and Practice, in the Space Between the Physical and the Virtual. ACADIA.
Entry filename data-modeling-issues-simulating-dynamic-processes