Data Mapping and Ornament in Digital Craft (2015)

article⁄Data Mapping and Ornament in Digital Craft (2015)
abstract⁄With an everincreasing index of digital artifacts, we have begun to exhaust variation as an adaptive technique. The problem with incremental modulation here understood as sequential and slowly progressing change of a set of parameters within a field condition is that in essence it leads to morphologically equivalent and, hence, repetitive patterns of habitation. While the role of variation proved key in pushing forward an essential body of research testing and optimizing principles of mass customization, its residual effects become critically disconcerting. This paper presents an investigation of tectonic mutations for the generation of form, seen through data simulation experiments and machining artifacts. Through several projects we investigate the effects of ornament created as a result of the new relationship between generative modeling, simulation, and fabrication in the digital age. Subject to degenerative mutation techniques, ornament can be understood as a result of overlaid data, whether the data is performance related or not, in both massing and surface conditions. This new working methodology will mitigate between the incertitude regarding time, history and memory, and by reinventing their relation it will reassess ornament’s agency within the digital culture. Design methods are extended by exploring, collecting, analyzing, and representing data through various materialization processes. Design is therefore reconsidered as being injected with the concepts of data driven design and dependent on the interplay between performance and aesthetics. In this way, we consider the footprint or the subsequent impact of the human onto the nonhuman using artificial intelligence as a medium. These intentionally or accidentally engraved layers of information begin to describe potential trajectories of novel survival modes in the Anthropocene.
keywords⁄data mappingornamentgenerative modelingsimulationcnc fabricationdegenerative mutation2015
Year 2015
Authors Marcu, Mara; Tang, Ming.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 110-120
Library link N/A
Entry filename data-mapping-ornament-digital-craft