Dancing on the Desktop (2012)

article⁄Dancing on the Desktop (2012)
abstract⁄Dancing on the Desktop is a gesturebased modeling system. In this prototype, two interactive display screens are projected on the top of a desk and the wall behind it to show the plan and perspective views of an architectural model, respectively. A depth camera detects gestural interactions between these two displays to create an immersive gestural interaction space to manipulate the model. Additionally, visual images and text are projected on the user’s hands to provide different types of feedback about gestural interactions. We argue that Dancing on the Desktop helps users develop an embodied understanding of the spatial and volumetric properties of virtual objects. In this paper, we will review related gestural prototypes and examine their shortcomings. Then, we will introduce distributed cognition and describe how it helped our system address the shortcomings of typical gestural prototypes. Next, we will describe the implementation details and explain each type of gestural interaction in detail. Finally, we will discuss our preliminary tests and conclusions.
keywords⁄design cognitionarchitectural modelinggestural inputsimmersive environmentaugmented reality2012
Year 2012
Authors Hsiao, Chih-Pin; Davis, Nicholas M.; Do, Ellen Yi-Luen.
Issue ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies
Pages 419-428
Library link N/A
Entry filename dancing-on-desktop