Crafting Complexity: Material / Procedure / Form (2008)

article⁄Crafting Complexity: Material / Procedure / Form (2008)
abstract⁄What is the role of Craft, in understanding BioComputational Forms Systems What is the relation between selforganizing systems materialcomponent assemblages This paper will explore the relationship between material craft, procedure and form, in relation to complex, selforganizing assemblies. A comparison will be made, between hand crafted assemblies, guided by physical constraints and procedural methodologies, and digitally mediated fabrication, guided by recursion and algorithmic generative methodologies. An attempt will be made to connect various scales of making, in terms of module or unit of assembly, both at the microscale of biological structures, and the macroscale of manmade systems. The goal of this essay is to question the relation between physically crafted component assemblies, as a means for exploring adaptive, complex, selforganizing systems, and biocomputational paradigms as a source of adaptive strategies for making.
Year 2008
Authors Perez, Santiago R.
Issue Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation,
Pages 272-277
Library link N/A
Entry filename crafting-complexity