Context Aware Paper-Based Review Instrument A Tangible User Interface for Architecture Design Review (2006)

article⁄Context Aware Paper-Based Review Instrument A Tangible User Interface for Architecture Design Review (2006)
abstract⁄We describe the design and implementation of a prototype computersupported collaborative work CSCW environment for review of architectural construction documents. This environment utilizes a novel plainpaper tangible interface that supports shared activity such as review of construction documents using an ‘over the shoulder’ computational assistant called CAPRI.Despite the increasing use of computers, work in most architecture firms still largely revolves around paper drawings. Architects structure their work around paper instead of digital representations for reasons of legal liability and tradition, as well as technical limitations. While hardcopy is intuitive, dense, and easy to access, it lacks direct connection to the wide range of design knowledge increasingly available in interactive design environments. This lack is felt most acutely during design review processes, when the designer or reviewer is often called upon to consult and consider holistically a variety of supporting backing documents, a task which requires focused attention and a good memory, if errors are to be avoided.Our prototype system enables multiple reviewers to interact equally with a paper construction document using a tangible interface to query detail and backing data from a project knowledge base. We believe this will decrease the reviewer’s cognitive load by bringing design data to them in a contextual and timely way. In doing so, we believe errors will be caught sooner and mistakes reduced.
Year 2006
Authors Lee, E. S.; Hong, S.; Johnson, Brian.
Issue Synthetic Landscapes
Pages 317-327
Library link Gregory A. Luhan, Phillip Anzalone, Mark Cabrinha & Cory Clarke, 2006. bib⁄Synthetic Landscapes. ACADIA.
Entry filename context-aware-paper-based-review-instrument