Constraint-Based Three-Dimensional Modeling as a Design Tool (1991)

article⁄Constraint-Based Three-Dimensional Modeling as a Design Tool (1991)
abstract⁄Architectural design knowledge which may take the form of constraints and how it can be incorporated into the solid modeling process is explored and discussed. This theoretical exploration leads to an illustration of a Rinctional general purpose threedimensional solid modeler which utilizes design knowledge as constraints upon the interactive solid modeling process. From this illustration, it is shown that the incorporation of constraints into ComputerAided Architectural Design can effectively assist in the early stages of the design process. A prototypical application is presented which provides an example in which the definition and implementation of specific design knowledge constrains or characterizes the generative and interactive behavior of user definable threedimensional entities. The basis of this work lies in the ability to create a design space, or building envelope, and to allow the interactive modeling of conceptual elements within, and constrained to, that design space, including the realistic interaction between the entities themselves.
Year 1991
Authors Tobin, Kenneth L.
Issue Reality and Virtual Reality
Pages 193-209
Library link Glenn Goldman & Michael Stephen Zdepski, 1991. bib⁄Reality and Virtual Reality. ACADIA.
Entry filename constraint-based-three-dimensional-modeling-design