Connected Courses: Methods Of Network Communications (2003)

article⁄Connected Courses: Methods Of Network Communications (2003)
abstract⁄Where are we nowIn the recent NJIT survey of digital media in the design schools twentyeight out of twentynine architecture schools reported to have networked design studios NJIT, 2003. This would seem to indicate a ubiquity of digital media tools. While the use of these tools is still often limited to design presentation computer aided drawing and modeling rather than design generation, the studio is historically a place of discovery and experimentation with computers so available in this fertile environment we are poised to evolve the medium forward towards improved design development. This evolution is initially apparent in the way presentation methods and presentation processes are shifting. Not only are students becoming increasingly digital in their approach to design, but methods of working and presentation are also changing.
Year 2003
Authors Seebohm, Thomas; Temkin, Aron.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 94-98
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename connected-courses