Computing and Design in the Canadian Schools of Architecture and Landscape Architecture: A Proposed Research Agenda for Integrated CAD & GIS in the 1990's (1989)

article⁄Computing and Design in the Canadian Schools of Architecture and Landscape Architecture: A Proposed Research Agenda for Integrated CAD & GIS in the 1990's (1989)
abstract⁄Conventional computer systems currently used by architecture and landscape architecture are not addressing complex decision making, system interface, dynamic manipulation and real time visualization of data. This paper identifies a strategy by which Canadian Schools could form a supportive network, incorporate and expand their research development. Within this larger framework schools would have better tools, a larger research base and access to funding as a group. The following discussion is an idea of what we at the Canadian Schools need to do differently over the next five years in our research and teaching in order to make a unique contribution to our fields.
Year 1989
Authors Danahy, John; Wright, Robert.
Issue New Ideas and Directions for the 1990’s
Pages 227-244
Library link Chris I. Yessios, 1989. bib⁄New ideas and Directions for the 1990's. ACADIA.
Entry filename computing-design-canadian-schools-architecture-landscape