Computer-Simulated Growth Processes in Urban Planning and Architecture (2000)

article⁄Computer-Simulated Growth Processes in Urban Planning and Architecture (2000)
abstract⁄Urban structures, developed and grown over a period of time, are created by processes that, due to the number of influential factors, are not longer comprehensible as a whole. Their development is very complex and depends on a big number of reciprocal factors that even architects or planners sometimes cannot recognize the formal, functional and rational processes of thinking behind it. The involved mechanisms however are particularly obvious in historical urban structures that came to exist over a period of centuries. The planned relationships within these conglomerates are governed by nearly indiscernible rules and show similarities in form and shape to living and nonliving forms in nature. They are clearly analogous to fractals or systems with chaotic behavior. In the course of the research project ‘media experimental design’, financed by the German Research Foundation, algorithms are sought that are able to simulate urban analogous structures digitally. To this effect the main rules of growth processes are researched and extracted. Then, by following these rules, virtual structures are developed and shown by using powerful threedimensional techniques. The developed mechanisms allow urban planning to be processoriented, interactive and flexible for permanently changing parameters. With an implemented set of rules the computer is able to create a design and to react to changing situations. In several experimental studies structures were successfully generated which have different forms and qualities depending on their set of rules. For example, structures were programmed which are similar to a big city while other look like a village in hilly landscape. Diverse rules and strategies have been used in order to reduce them to shape specific factors. The rules for growth are administered by a specifically developed databank with sophisticated search mechanisms using the IssueConcept Form tool as casebasedreasoning method.
keywords⁄simulationurban growth-processesvirtual reality2000
Year 2000
Authors Streich, Bernd; Oxman, R.; Fritz, O.
Issue Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture
Pages 233-237
Library link Mark John Clayton, 2000. bib⁄Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture. ACADIA.
Entry filename computer-simulated-growth-processes-urban-planning