A computer Based System for the Design and Fabrication of Tensegrity Structures (2004)

article⁄A computer Based System for the Design and Fabrication of Tensegrity Structures (2004)
abstract⁄Tensegrity structures are composed of tension compression components, where the compression components bars are discontinuously enclosed within continuous tensile components cables. From an engineering point of view, a tensegrity structure is characterized by geometric nonlinearity and large displacements under loading. Therefore, its prestressed shape and deformation under loading are the result of the combined effect of the geometric parameters that determine the initial configuration of the structure, the level of prestress applied to cables, and the material properties of the component members of the structure. A method for generating the initial geometric configuration of tensegrity structures composed of tensegrity units and a parametric expression of this geometry have already been developed. A novel technology that makes possible the construction of tensegrity structures from the onsite assembly of deployable tensegrity units, which are furnished with a simple mechanism that permits barelongation, and, as a result, an increase of the prestress applied to the cables of each unit, is also under development. Also under development is a static analysis method that takes into account the above method for prestressing cables. This paper discusses the features of a system that supports the combined geometric and structural design of tensegrity structures, and integrates a graphical interface to display a models of initial geometry, b geometry of the structure after prestress and loading are applied, and c magnitude of forces applied to the structure’s component members bars and cables. The system also provides numerical data to be used in component fabrication, and is therefore expected to become a very valuable tool for the design and construction of tensegrity structures.
Year 2004
Authors Liapi, Katherine.
Issue Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture
Pages 100-109
Library link Philip Beesley, Nancy Yen-Wen Cheng & R. Shane Williamson, 2004. bib⁄Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture. University of Waterloo School of Architecture Press.
Entry filename computer-based-system-design-fabrication-tensegrity